A monarch with only one leg and one eye was generous and capable as a ruler. While going through his palace one day, the king observed pictures of his forefathers down the hallway. He also wanted an artist to paint his portrait, but he was concerned about the outcome because of his physical defects. The King summoned all the painters in the kingdoms and asked who could create a lovely portrait of him. The painters were perplexed about how to create a lovely portrait of the King with only one leg and one eye.

All the painters graciously refused to paint the King. Then one young painter stepped forward, promising to create a lovely portrait of the King. After a few days, the young painter exhibited the portrait in the court, which depicted the King sitting on his horse with one leg visible, holding his bow, and pointing an arrow with one eye closed. The artwork showed no signs of the king's physical infirmities. The King was happy to find that the painter had artistically depicted the King's favorable traits while avoiding emphasizing the deformities.


            Focus on someone's strengths rather than their weaknesses.